вторник, 18 августа 2009 г.

bronchitis contagious how long

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Bronchitis is a respiratory disease. It is an inflammation of bronchial tubes, or air passages, characterised by cough, hacking cough, difficulty in breathing & expectoration.

There are 2 main types of bronchitis: ACUTE & CHRONIC. Acute Bronchitis is a common disease that commonly protracts for a short time & is induced by influenza, the common cold, or an infection. Therefore, this type of bronchitis is extremely infectious & is inherited by means of cough, sneeze & merely by touching objects which have been touched by an infected person.

The other type of the disease is chronic bronchitis. It protracts for longer period of time in comparison with acute bronchitis. Its symptoms are similar to those of acute bronchitic: cough & difficulty in breathing. However, its causes differ significantly. Chronic bronchitis is usually induced by smoking, second hand smoke, a virus etcetera. In general, it is not transmitted from one persong to another. But it does not mean that the disease is less acute.

In spite of the different causes, the 2 types have a lot in common. Both of them are resistant to antibiotics. The matter is that bronchitis is induced by a virus, and virus infections do not respond to the germ-killing properties of antibiotics. They are effective against bacterial infections (such as strep throat and bladder infections). Antibiotics can also lead to complications, for example diarrhea and yeast infections. More than that, they can undermine your immune system. Hence, antibiotics may cause more harm than good if they are misused.

As long as you have the symptoms, your acute bronchitis is contagious. It you have had this disease for more than half a year, you should have an appointment with your GP to check for other diseases.

YOU CAN AVOID THE SPREAD OF THE DISEASE. An infected person should follow hygienic rules. It is an absolute to wash hands regularly and cover the mouth when sneezing.

The best treatment for bronchitis is herbal remedies. They will not adversely impact upon your health as antibiotics can do and aim at the root causes. Herbal cures are effective against both acute & chronic bronchitis.

Take all the necessary preventative measures to avoid the illness. Any disease is better to avoid than to cure.

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is bronchitis contagious ?

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